113 Bird Adaptations

2024-10-27 2

Bird Adaptations in Segovia, Spain

In Segovia, Spain, the adaptability of birds is evident in their flight techniques, a testament to the wisdom of Allah. Birds have developed the ability to change the shape and size of their wings to suit various environments. Vultures, for example, are specialized scavengers that soar high to spot carcasses with their keen eyesight. They rely on thermals, or rising columns of warm air, to ascend effortlessly into the sky. Griffon vultures, one of the largest bird species, use broad wings with a span of over two meters to catch rising air. By splaying their wingtip feathers, vultures increase lift and maintain stability while spiraling upwards in thermals, conserving energy while searching for food.

"Have they not seen the birds flying in the midst of the sky? None sustains them except Allah. In this are signs for people who believe." (Surah An-Nahl 16:79)

"Our Lord is He who gave everything its existence, then guided it." (Surah Ta-Ha 20:50)