All Natural Sleep Aid - PearlyDreams Sleep Enhancing Toothpa

2009-05-08 1

Do you have trouble going to sleep? Is there so much on your mind, you stay up for hours? Can anything help? Why not brush your teeth before you sleep?! Introducing new PearlyDreams toothpaste, the brilliant new toothpaste invented by a dentist, with sleep enhancing ingredients. Pearly Dreams is the first toothpaste formulated with melatonin, known as your body's natural sleep signal, plus a unique balance of organic herbal extracts. PearlyDreams sleep aid patent was even featured in the New York Times magazine. Brush your teeth before you sleep, what could be more natural! Don't wait another night, order the patented sleep aid, PearlyDreams Sleep Enhanching Toothpaste now for just $19.95 plus shipping and handling. Go to or call 1.888.5Pearly. That's or 1.888.5Pearly. Order Pearly Dreams tonight and brush your teeth before you sleep!