A new Guitar Trick shown by Johnny Rotten 2000

2024-10-23 6

I made this video to help me rember this rift later and be able to find the video that show me this easy. It can help other people on guitar becasue you can see my hand which helps a little. This riff is supposed to be a mild cool down point when played this longer song I'm working on. Me playing it this way this slow is meant to help me know how to do it right and can help you the viewer to bight this trick off me and spice up your own playing I don't care just make it your own somehow at least. When I get a version of the longer tame the unicorn or Pegasus whatever song with this rift played right in there it will probably be played way freaking faster to the point there not the same to listen to anymore. So, for the time just enjoy this more chilled out slower version of this rift. I belive the rift is a series of hammer ons with some octave notes thrown in there.