Predictive Easter Egg To Disney Buying Star Wars In Howling II ('85)? Christopher Lee & Mickey Mouse

2024-10-22 2

A possible future-looking predictive Easter Egg that Walt Disney would acquire Star Wars in 2012 may be seen in horror film, Howling II (1985). Actor Christopher Lee stands outside a disco / nightclub at 9m 16s. A cartoon illustration of possibly Mickey Mouse appears drawn on the door of the disco behind him. Lee would later play Star Wars villain Count Dooku in prequel film episodes II & III in 2002 & 2005. Another prophetic item in Howling II: actor Reb Brown stars in this. He played Marvel Comic Book hero Captain America in two made for TV films in 1979. Disney bought Marvel Entertainment in 2009. Films based on both of these properties continue to be top box office draws in 2024.