恐ろしい病に侵された犬は治療も受けらないまま見知らぬ土地に置き去りにされましたDogs with deadly diseases are left abandoned in strange lands without treatment

2024-10-17 6

Dogs with deadly diseases are left abandoned in strange lands without treatment.
①00:00 恐ろしい病に侵された犬は治療も受けらないまま見知らぬ土地に置き去りにされました
②07:19 飼い主は家を引っ越す時に家族だったはずの犬を置き去りにして立ち去っていました
We've compiled a list of the most popular animal rescue videos.
①00:00 A dog with a terrible disease was left in a strange place without treatment.
②07:19 When the owner moved house, he left his dog, who was supposed to be a member of the family, behind.

An inspiring animal rescue document.
#animal rescue

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