Elon Musk Shocks the World with $30K Tesla Cybercab & Robovan! Is This the Future of Driving?"

2024-10-12 4

Elon Musk Shocks the World with $30K Tesla Cybercab & Robovan! Is This the Future of Driving?"

#Tesla​ #ElonMusk​ #Cybercab​ #SelfDrivingCars​ #Robovan​ #TeslaCybercab​ #AutonomousVehicles​ #FutureOfDriving​ #ElectricCars​ #TechRevolution​ #Innovation​ #FSD​ #TeslaRobovan​ #TechNews​ #EV​

At the robotaxi event, Elon Musk teases the $30,000 Tesla self-driving Cybercab and the larger Robovan.
Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla, unveiled the company's Cybercab concept on Thursday night, hyping it after ten years of unmet promises about autonomous cars. It is a low, silver two-seater without pedals or steering wheels.
Nearly an hour after the start of Tesla's "We, Robot" event, Musk arrived on stage in a Cybercab and announced that the company had 21 of these cars and 50 "autonomous" cars at the Warner Bros. studio in Burbank, California, where Tesla was hosting an invitation-only event.
Musk stated that buyers would be able to purchase a Tesla Cybercab for less than $30,000, but he did not provide specific information about where Tesla intends to manufacture the vehicles. According to him, the company intends to start manufacturing the Cybercab by 2027.

Tesla Cybercab, Elon Musk, Self-driving cars, Robovan, Autonomous vehicles, $30,000 Tesla, Full Self-Driving (FSD), Electric vehicles, Tesla innovation, Future of driving, Tesla product launch, Tesla Robotaxi, Tesla technology, Tesla Cybertruck, Inductive charging, tesla stock,cybercab,tesla robovan,tesla cybercab,tesla news,tesla robot,tesla optimus,tesla van,robo taxi,waymo,optimus robot,robovan tesla,tesla we robot,tesla live,tesla robotaxi event live,optimus,tesla stock after hours,cybercab tesla,tesla event 10 10,uber stock,new tesla,tesla announcement,robotaxi event time,Tesla Cybercab,Elon Musk,Self-driving cars,Robovan,Autonomous vehicles,$30,000 Tesla,Full Self-Driving (FSD)

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