3DX: 3D Film & Entertainment Technology Festival part III

2009-05-06 1

SANDY CLIMAN: we shot with the NFL, National Football League as our partners the first NFL game in live digital 3D to three theaters, one in New York, one in Boston and one in Hollywood, the man Chinese six and it was a smashing success. It was very exciting... the interesting leanings from it for us were phenomenal, the reaction the audience was very gratifying and very educational.
On one hand we had a hardened sports executives saying that the they've never really understood the strategy of the game. They've got a five foot seven runner, standing next to a linebacker in 2D they look very similar in 3D they look entirely different, one is much larger than the other. We had a number of people who were there and we're not really sports fans in the audience, they were there because they want to see how 3D worked and they came up to colleagues whether it was in Hollywood or New York or Boston and they said "you know we're not really died in the wool sports fanatics but if this is how sports has been a look we are there" we are beginning the you know the educational process for the general public not the professional audience, not Hollywood, not the sports world, but really seeing this for the first time, so they can take the message back and you know communicate that this is not your father's 3D, This is not your grandfather's 3D, no more anaglyph paper glasses, red and blue cellophane, headaches. This is really something entirely different and I think we are on to the next phase of 3D, whether was the NFL, whether it's Fox Sports, whether it's Sony Corp... Al you are the greatest and in terms of the evangelizing 3D, you change the world and we are looking forward to collaborating with you, not only on the process of bringing the word to the public but on shooting some things directly with you. Thanks Al.