Shubh Mukherjee, a National Award-winning filmmaker, is well known for his contributions to the Indian film industry, including launching singer Honey Singh in his debut project. His most recent film, Kahwa, based on true events from the post-militancy period in Kashmir, received a standing ovation at Cannes 2024 and is now preparing for its release in India. On the topic of his experience directing S.S. Rajamouli for an advertisement, Shubh described it as a blessing. "Rajamouli is incredibly humble. He would frequently ask me if the shot was okay or if there was room for improvement. He even provided suggestions from a director's perspective, which was a learning experience for me." The conversation then shifted to the trend of re-releasing films, with Shubh being asked about his views on whether this reflects a scarcity of original stories. "There’s no lack of stories or writers in our industry," Shubh remarked. "What we need are producers who believe in the power of good storytelling. Re-releases aren’t inherently bad—films that weren’t appreciated in their time are now finding new audiences and earning revenue."
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