Fight Cystic Fibrosis - Help James Babbitt

2009-05-04 68

Support a friend of mine, Steve Babbitt, little did we know his son James(6yrs) is suffering from Cystic Fibrosis & is one of the 30,000 in the US with this life-shortening genentic disease that currently has no cure.

James takes:
- 40 pills a day
- 40 minutes everyday fighting to keep his lungs clear.

Please help, make a step today to give James and many others more tomorrows.

Video was in 2007, but you can still help today: donate, walk or spread this news. Copy and paste this URL below:

Fell free to link to it and help save lives.

If you do not have much to share in this bad economic time, and cannot attent the events, help promote this page by sending this out to your friends, or blog about it, talk about it in the forums, link to it, chat about it and increase the awareness of Cystic Fibrosis.