Full and Happy Life — No idea can be impressed on the subconscious until it is felt, but once felt—whether good, bad, or indifferent—it must be expressed. Feeling is the only medium through which ideas are conveyed to the subconscious. Therefore, the man who does not control his feelings can easily impress the subconscious with undesirable states. Controlling your feelings is crucial for a full and happy life. Never entertain undesirable feelings or think sympathetically about wrong in any form. Do not dwell on your imperfections or those of others. To do so is to impress the subconscious with limitations. What you do not want done unto you, do not feel it is done unto you or another. This is the whole law of a full and happy life. Everything else is commentary.
Watch the full video here: https://youtu.be/oPhoCOl8_20
#PositiveThinking #Manifestation #LawOfAssumption