Traces of Quan Yin in Religion - Contemplation on the Inner Heavenly Sound, Part 3 of 3

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“The UNENDING MUSIC is wonderful. It cannot be obtained by our own mental processes or activities. It can only be had as a result of the grace of the Master. It is the supreme gift of a perfect Master.” ~ The Philosophy of the Masters


“By communion with the WORD one becomes the abode of all virtues; By communion with the WORD, one becomes a Sheikh, a Pir and a true spiritual king; By communion with the WORD, the spiritually blind find their way to Realization; By communion with the WORD, one crosses beyond the Limitless Ocean of illusionary matter; O Nanak! His devotees live in perpetual ecstasy, for the WORD washes away all sin and sorrow.”

Pir means Saint. Word means Inner Heavenly Sound. ~ Holy Sri Guru Granth Sahib

“Exalted is the Lord, and exalted His abode; More exalted still His HOLY WORD.” ~ Holy Sri Guru Granth Sahib

“Through the word of the Guru’s SHABAD, the mind is conquered, and one attains the State of Liberation in one’s own home.”

Shabad means Inner Heavenly Sound. ~ Holy Sri Guru Granth Sahib


“THE TAO that can be spoken of is not the eternal Tao. The NAME (Word) that can be named is not the eternal NAME. The NAMEless (WORDless) is the beginning of Heaven and earth. The NAME is the mother of the ten thousand things.” ~ Tao Te Ching

“[The man of kingly Virtue] sees in the darkest dark, hears where there is no sound. In the midst of darkness, he alone SEES the DAWN; in the midst of the soundless, he alone HEARS HARMONY.” ~ Chuang Tzu (vegetarian)

“The SOUND then flows and radiates like hibernating insects that begin to stir in spring and I startle them with the crash of thunder, but there is no conclusion at the end and no prelude at the beginning. Now dead, now alive; now falling, now rising, their constancies alternate unendingly.” ~ Chuang Tzu (vegetarian)

“The SOUND is undulated and lilted, the rhythm is lofty and bright, and thus, the ghosts and spirits rest in their darkness, the sun, moon, stars, and constellations march in their orbits. I made it stop where there is an end to things but also let it flow where there is no limitation.” ~ Chuang Tzu (vegetarian)


“When he has ceased to hear the many, he may discern the ONE – the INNER SOUND which kills the outer. Then only, not till then, shall he forsake the region of Asat, the false, to come unto the realm of Sat, the true. […] For then the SOUL WILL HEAR, and will remember. And then to the inner ear will speak – THE VOICE OF THE SILENCE…” ~ The Voice of the Silence by Madame H. P. Blavatsky (vegetarian)