After the death of his father, the poor and illiterate Kwan Fung-yiu (Aaron Kwok) goes out to the provincial capital to seek refuge from Tuen Ching-wan (Ti Lung), a friend of his deceased father, and works in a dye factory, the "Four Seasons Weaver". The political situation in the capital is tense. With his superior identity as a Manchurian, Hak Wo-po (Kenneth Tsang), owner of the "Tin Lung Spinner", dominates the city and set up a gambling den where he sends his workers to fight with workers of "Four Seasons Weave". The newly appointed magistrate Yuen Tin-yau (Cheung Siu-fai) and his instructor Mr. Wah (Paul Chun) want to eradicate Hak, but they do not have enough evidence to bring him to justice. Later, Tin-yau meets Pak Siu-kwan (Maggie Cheung), the owner of "Four Seasons Weaver" and Wah's daughter Lin (Jacklyn Wu). Then it was revealed that Tuen was a fugitive who changed his name and hid in the dye factory to avoid arrest and developed affection towards Pak. Fung-yiu and Lin also develops a mutual bond after an incident.
自幼家貧、大字不識的關豐曜(郭富城 飾),父親逝世後便前往省城投靠其父故交段青雲(狄龍 飾),一同在「四季織」當工人。省城內局勢動盪不平,「天龍坊」主人喀和布(曾江 飾)憑旗人身份獨霸一方,以選拔家丁打手的擂台,進而開設賭局熙攘不休。新任縣令袁天祐(張兆輝 飾)與華老師(秦沛 飾)欲剷除喀和布,卻苦無證據將他繩之以法。關豐曜巧遇「四季織」女主人白筱君(張曼玉 飾)和華老師之女小蓮(吳倩蓮 飾),原來段青雲為躲避追捕,改名換姓藏身染坊,並與白筱君產生了情愫;而小蓮與關豐曜,則因識文學字從書寫自己「名字」一事相互牽絆。