Low price artificial disc replacement surgery in India

2009-05-02 1,235

Now get artificial disc replacement surgery in India at a low price by advanced spine surgery technology. You can get relief from pain caused by damaged vertebral disc by replacing it with a synthetic substitute. The standard surgical procedure for a disc replacement is an anterior approach to the cervical region. The affected disc is completely removed including any disc fragments. The disc space is jacked up and prosthesis fitted in its place. This procedure is done on an out patient basis and the patient can leave in 24 to 48 hours with minimal activity limitations. The artificial disc surgery in India is performed by experienced surgeons who are experts in their field. The hospitals used for surgical procedures are comparable with other international hospitals as we maintain global standards in hygiene and hospitality. Enjoy the best kind of medical care facilities with medical tourism in India. To know more about low price artificial disc replacement in India please contact us at