McGee & Me - 05. Twister & Shout 1989 (Unofficial Soundtrack)

2024-09-13 4

McGee and Me! is an American television series by Focus On The Family from 1989-1995.
Each episode centers on Nicholas, his cartoon friend, McGee, and the moral lessons they learn as Nick grows up after moving to a new town.

This is an unofficial soundtrack for this series.

** [Instrumental excerpt from 'You'll Never Be Alone' by James Covell, track 10, 12] **

Track List :
01. McGee & Me [Main Theme] 0:00
02. Tiger Shark (Not-So-Quiet Stream)[McGee] 1:27
03. 14 Turning Strange 2:40
04. Sarah's Rules (Peaceful Evening - Banquet - I'm Melting) 3:04
05. Just Thunder (Major Malfunction - It's Busy) 4:46
06. Tornado Watch 6:18
07. Lizard Of Ooz (Eye Of The Storm)[McGee] 6:45
08. Communication Breakdown (Phone's Dead) 8:48
09. The Storm Will Blow Over (Lights Out) 9:55
10. On Your Own (Tornado Strikes - You Did Good Kid) ** 11:30
11. Not Such A Little Kid Afterall (No Place Like Home) 15:15
12. McGee & Me [End Credits] ** 16:33

Total Running Time : 18:33

Bonus Tracks
13. You'll Never Be Alone [James Covell] 18:40
** [excerpts in tracks 10, 12] **

Total Running Time: 23:14