My Scoring System Explained

2024-09-11 2

My Scoring System Explained

Some of you ask why I score a game so low, or 1 game better than this other game.

When I score games, its not me just picking a random number out of the sky, I use a system.

So my scoring system has a list of categories, and each one of those categories won’t always suit every game.

So I now have 12 categories (it used to be 11)
and each category, I score out of 5.

Now every game is not going to have the same categories as each other) though the same genre games are more likely to have the same catogories.

Lets take these 2 games..

Arizona Sunshine 2 - 86.6% and
Chess Club VR - 85.7%

Lets take a look at these 2 games side by side.

both Games are close to each other in the way of my score, but they are very different games.
Let’s break down the ratings system.

where Arizona Sunshine 2 has weapons, enemies, and levelling up options, Chess club vr doesn’t, so these 2 games are going to have different categories that that fit in with it, and some categories will be None Applicable per game.

I then add up the Scores in each category and then turn the Total into a percentage.

I’m scoring the actual game, I’m not battling them against each other.

So it doesn’t mean a game I score at 90% is better than a game I score at 80%, it simply means that I think the value of that particular game based on my categories is either great, average or not so good.

and also just remember, my reviews are just my opinion, I don’t expect you to agree with my opinion every time, but I at least hope between my score, and the game footage, that it helps you to decide, if you want to buy… or pass on the games.

You must also bare in mind, that these days, a game is never finished when its released, so Some games i review at a particular time, and depending on when you watch its review, it may have since gone through 3 to 10 updates and has been improved.

So I do hope you understand it’s my way of trying to give a “fair review” to each game.

Ultimately, the final decision is yours.


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