On Tuesday today, Jharkhand Police organized a public complaint resolution program in the Dumri subdivision office auditorium. SDPO Sumit Prasad, Nimiyaghat police station in-charge Rana Jang Bahadur Singh, Dumri police station in-charge Prinan etc
including local leaders of parties and social workers were present on the occasion.
It was told that this program is a unique initiative of Jharkhand Police which is committed to resolve all kinds of public complaints immediately and effectively. In this program, complaints related to compensation of victims, witch-hunting, illegal sale of narcotics, complaints of liquor sale and dens, complaints related to women, complaints related to cyber crimes and economic crimes will be heard and it was said that their redressal will be done as soon as possible. Apart from this, you will be informed about dial 112, 1930, Zero FIR, e-FIR, new provisions under the new law, and if someone is being trapped in a false case or someone is being harassed by the police or administration, then also assurance was given to resolve all these complaints.