How Gun works (3D animation)

2024-09-08 4

With the help of 3D Animation, in this video, we'll learn, How Gun Works? To under the basic principle of a gun, we will divide this video into three main phases i.e. Cocking, Loading, and Firing.

We all know that pulling the trigger can fire the bullet out of the gun. But, that trigger is never pulled directly. First of all, with one hand, Slide has to be pulled back. When the slide is being pulled back, in total there are 5 actions that take place. All five sections are discussed in the video above in a very simple language. The first action is related to the Recoil Spring. The second action is related to Slider and Barrel. The third action is related to Cartridge, Magazine, Follower, and Magazine Spring. The fourth action is related to the Movement of Slide and Disconnector. The fifth action is related to Hammer Strut, Main Spring, Main Spring Cap, and Hammer rotation.