Call of Duty Black Ops 6 - Official Multiplayer Reveal Trailer

2024-09-03 2,673

This is Black Ops 6 Multiplayer! Watch the official multiplayer reveal trailer for Call of Duty: Black Ops 6. An incredible showcase of brand-new locations from the 16 launch maps. Innovations across game Modes. Key evolutions in how you create and save your Loadouts, utilize weapons, equipment and Perks. The game is set to release on October 25, 2024

Set to deliver an impressive selection of all brand-new maps at launch, the Black Ops 6 Multiplayer team is focusing on incredible movement and fast-paced, explosive action, and this vision for the game extends to the creation of the 16 multiplayer maps.

All the launch maps are small to medium-sized maps with traditional three-lane routes and have been meticulously designed to fully realize the signature Call of Duty: Black Ops experience. This means offering rapid, energetic combat, along with a variety of scenic set-pieces, cover opportunities, and ranged thoroughfares to ensure your favorite style of play is catered to, from close quarter strikes to long-range sniping, with emphasis always on the action. This culminates into tighter gameplay that’s perfectly suited to Omnimovement.

Maps are split into two main categories: There are 12 brand-new Core 6v6 maps. In addition, there are four brand-new, compact-sized Strike maps designed to be played in either Face Off 6v6 or 2v2 configurations.

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