That's what we're talking about. We're talking about the dangers of Russian government agencies, from the investigations of a secret that could open the field to discover any secret information that would affect Russia's interests. Especially that the application was widely used, and in a way, primarily by Russian defense. What puts Russia's military secrets on the hook, according to the Wall Street Journal, which pointed out that Moscow's impasse was a response to a real event, a real. Siema, and that the situation of the Dourouf under the Ministry of Justice, the French, is more than the investigations. This is not the case. The newspaper pointed out that Moscow was headed, and in a hidden way, to the issuance of the information and the use of a public-based call to remove the numbers of the conversations on the Telegram, which is what Dimitri Pescoff said. During the Ukraine war, Telegram became more than just a social media application in Russia, where it is dependent on the military on the field of battle, and it is being used in the coordination of military movements between the military, the Russians, and even Ukraine. The developments that came in, could be placed in the application under the bridge, the background.