Best Hair Bonding in Hyderabad

2024-08-28 1

Welcome to Bglam Hair Studio, the ultimate destination for the best hair bonding in Hyderabad.

Hair bonding might be a new term for many but did you know that it existed since ancient Egyptian times? And they used the sheep fur as the hair extensions! Strange isn’t it how the evolution of hair replacement non-surgical services existed from ancient times, but many of us aren’t aware of it.

When treating hair thinning disorders, hair bonding is one of the most effective nonsurgical treatments. It is also less expensive and less effective than surgical hair transplantation, which is also less effective. The Bglam Hair Studio Hyderabad offers hair bonding as an affordable alternative to surgical hair transplantation, and you can also use it to treat thinning hair.

The hair bonding procedure is a non-surgical method of replacing your hair in which a thin layer of new hair is attached to your existing hair with an adhesive. As this method uses medical-grade glue, it does not irritate the scalp, and either natural or synthetic hair may be used. It blends in naturally with the original hair, giving it the appearance of shiny hair.