Man who drank two litres of spirits and eight beers a weekend has quit to lose 4st

2024-08-25 19,590

A man who struggled with alcohol all his life, drank two litres of spirits and eight beers every weekend has quit the booze and is now becoming a personal trainer.

Kevin Lamb, 47, started bingeing on cheap cider when he just 19 before moving on to vodka and other spirits.

He piled pounds with weight ballooning to 217lbs.

But he finally decided to quit the booze after he collapsed in pain and ended up in hospital for 12 days and doctors warned he would kill himself if he did not stop.

And to cap it all Kevin, who has shed four stone, is studying to be a personal trainer.

Kevin's diet now:
Overnight oats or pancakes every day with 60g of protein
Mid morning snack of fruit or protein bar
Rice and Chicken or beef for lunch
Chicken or fish salad and protein shake at night.

Kevin's diet then:
Breakfast: normally a pie or fry up
Lunch: would have been something from the work canteen or chip shop
supper: mostly fired food and six packets of crisps.
Weekends: was 3 or 4 either Chinese, pizza or Doner Kebabs

Kevin's weight then:
Weight: 15st 7lbs
Body fat: 31%
Cholesterol: 14.5
Waist: 38

Kevin's weight now:
Weight: 11st 7lbs
Body fat: 11%
Cholesterol: 4.5
Waist: 30

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