In the first episode of "Aspirants" by TVF (The Viral Fever) titled "UPSC Optional Me Kya Hai," we are introduced to the journey of three friends—Abhilash, Guri, and SK—as they prepare for the UPSC (Union Public Service Commission) exams in Old Rajinder Nagar, Delhi. The episode provides a glimpse into the intense pressure, challenges, and dilemmas faced by UPSC aspirants, particularly when choosing their optional subject—a critical decision that can significantly impact their chances of success. The narrative alternates between the present, where the characters have evolved into their current lives, and flashbacks to their days of preparation, highlighting the struggles and camaraderie that defined their journey. The show blends humor, emotions, and realism, making it relatable for anyone who has experienced the grueling process of preparing for competitive exams in India.