10 Interesting Insects for Kids

2024-08-18 6

Have a child who is obsessed with bugs and other insects? This short, seven-minute video will walk them through all types, from butterflies to creepy crawling spiders. Along with the enchanting video, the narrator provides interesting facts about each insect so kids learn more about them in the process. Younger kids will love acquiring all this knowledge about these common insects and then heading to the backyard to see which ones they can find and examine for themselves.

The video has a timeline underneath that guides you if you want to skip ahead to the proper time for each of the 10 bugs covered. This is ideal if your kids only want to know about ants, for example, or caterpillars. Or, they can watch all the way through, learning about each bug one at a time. This is the kind of video you can return to again and again to study all the key facts worth knowing. The video encourages outdoor exploration and might even help kids afraid of insects overcome their fear when they see how fascinating bugs can be.