Origin of Doctor Doom by Robert Downey Jr

2024-08-14 16

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Origin of Doctor Doom by Robert Downey Jr
Now an epic theory is going viral that seems to have solved what Doctor Doom's origin will be in Avengers 5. In fact, if the theory is correct, we have already started to follow this villain's origin.

According to the theory, Doctor Doom will be from Earth-838, which we saw introduced in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. On Earth-838, we see the Illuminati being exterminated by Scarlet Witch.

After the Illuminati were exterminated by someone from another reality, this would raise Doctor Doom's curiosity about the multiverse. The fall of the Illuminati would still be personal for Destiny due to the death of Reed Richards. In the comics, the villain and the leader of the Fantastic Four have a classic relationship of rivalry but also respect.

Now without Reed Richards, without the Illuminati, and seeking to explore the multiverse, Doctor Doom's path will lead him to a confrontation with the Avengers.

If you have any better ideas, write in the comments how you would do the origin of Doctor Doom in Avengers 5