Moment a brawl breaks out among White Sox and Cubs fans in Chicago.

2024-08-13 78

Chicago White Sox and Cubs fans battle on the South Side! Hair-pulling, sucker-punching brawl ignites after two women attack each other
Moment a brawl breaks out among White Sox and Cubs fans in Chicago.

Showing considerably more fight than the White Sox have all season, Chicago baseball fans engaged in a vicious hair-pulling, sucker-punching brawl this weekend during an Interleague battle on the South Side.

Both visiting Cubs fans and White Sox supporters took part in the melee, but combatants weren't strictly divided by their rooting interests. As seen in video that has since gone viral on social media, the fracas began with two women wearing White Sox apparel.

One woman tossed a wild right at another only to be grabbed by her long brown hair. Men in both Cubs and White Sox gear tried to intervene, but things quickly devolved from there.

Whereas the fight began with two women, suddenly it was a group of men doing the punching.

Much of the violence could be blamed on two men: A taller fighter in a brightly colored shirt and his shorter opponent wearing a white tank top.