The Saga of Balam is a Guatemalan literary work written by Rodolfo Toriello Garrido in 1948. It's a historical novel that tells the story of a Mayan prince named Balam, who lives during the Spanish conquest of Guatemala in the 16th century.
The saga follows Balam's journey as he navigates the challenges of the conquest, including the destruction of his community, the loss of his loved ones, and the struggle to maintain his cultural identity in the face of colonialism.
Throughout the novel, Toriello Garrido explores themes such as cultural heritage, resistance, and the clash between indigenous and European worlds. The Saga of Balam is considered a classic of Guatemalan literature and has been widely read and studied in the country and beyond.
1. "Saga of Balam"
2. "Rodolfo Toriello Garrido" (author's name)
3. "Guatemalan literature"
4. "Mayan literature"
5. "Spanish conquest of Guatemala"
6. "Historical novel Guatemala"
7. "Balam novel"
8. "Indigenous literature Guatemala"
9. "Colonialism in Guatemala"
10. "Guatemalan cultural heritage"
1. "Saga de Balam"
2. "Rodolfo Toriello Garrido" (author's name)
3. "Literatura guatemalteca"
4. "Conquista española de Guatemala"
5. "Novela histórica Guatemala"