جبرائیل علیہ السلام کی کس بات پر اپ سرکار صلی اللہ علیہ والہ وسلم اور غمگین ہو گئے؟

2024-08-09 27

The life of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is a central and revered part of Islamic history. Here’s a brief overview:

Early Life:

Birth: Muhammad was born in 570 CE in Mecca, a city in present-day Saudi Arabia. He belonged to the Quraysh tribe, which was a respected and influential tribe in Mecca.
Orphaned: His father, Abdullah, passed away before he was born, and his mother, Amina, died when he was just six years old. He was then raised by his grandfather, Abdul Muttalib, and after his grandfather's death, by his uncle Abu Talib.
Youth and Early Adulthood:

Reputation: As a young man, Muhammad earned a reputation for honesty and integrity, earning him the nickname "Al-Amin" (the Trustworthy).
Marriage: At the age of 25, he married Khadijah, a wealthy widow. Their marriage was a loving and supportive partnership, and they had four daughters and two sons together, though the sons died young.

First Revelation: At the age of 40, Muhammad began receiving revelations from Allah (God) through the Angel Gabriel. These revelations were later compiled into the Quran.
Preaching: He started preaching monotheism and social justice, urging people to worship one God and live righteous lives. His message was met with resistance and hostility from the Quraysh leaders, who were concerned about losing their power and influence.
Migration and Leadership:

Hijra: In 622 CE, due to increasing persecution, Muhammad and his followers migrated from Mecca to Yathrib (later called Medina). This event, known as the Hijra, marks the beginning of the Islamic calendar.
Establishment of the Muslim Community: In Medina, Muhammad established a Muslim community and acted as a political and spiritual leader. He built alliances and established laws that governed the community.
Later Life:

Return to Mecca: In 630 CE, Muhammad and his followers peacefully conquered Mecca. He cleansed the Kaaba of its idols and established it as a central place of worship for Muslims.
Farewell Pilgrimage: In 632 CE, Muhammad performed his final pilgrimage and delivered a famous sermon known as the Farewell Sermon, summarizing his teachings and emphasizing the equality of all Muslims.#ProphetMuhammad

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