Leak: Admin greenlit child ‘trans’ drugs despite knowing they increased suicide risk

2024-08-02 5

CV NEWS FEED // According to an email obtained via litigation, the Biden-Harris administration’s Food and Drug Administration (FDA) greenlit hormonal drugs for children despite acknowledging that it could lead to an increased suicide rate among minors.

The January 2022 internal email was sent by Clinical Team Leader Shannon Sullivan of the FDA’s Division of General Endocrinology to Theresa Kehoe, MD, the division’s director. The division’s Deputy Director Naomi Lowy was copied on the email.

Sullivan referred to a “safety review” of puberty blockers that was conducted years earlier. She described that a “handful” of the patients in the review “were transgender kids using the drugs off-label.”

“We did find increased risk of depression and suicidality, as well as increased seizure risk,” Sullivan wrote, adding, “there is definitely a need for these drugs to be approved for gender transition.”

The Daily Signal Managing Editor Tyler O’Neil reported that “conservative nonprofit America First Legal obtained the email in the discovery process of a lawsuit.”

The legal group had sued the Biden-Harris FDA “for illegally concealing records related to the off-label use of ‘puberty blockers’ and cross-sex hormones on children,” O’Neil reported.

America First Legal wrote on X (formerly Twitter) Thursday afternoon: “Our litigation just exposed that Biden’s FDA recommended approving puberty blockers to minors despite noting that these drugs are associated with an ‘increased risk of depression and suicidality.’”

America First Legal Senior Advisor Ian Prior told the Signal:

It is shocking and unacceptable that the FDA would admit that puberty blockers cause suicidal ideation and depression, yet in the same breath recommend their approval for transgender ‘medical’ procedures for child
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