Hitler's Henchmen (10/12) : Schirach - The Corrupter of Youth

2024-07-25 21

For educational purposes

Dubbed the 'Poet Laureate of the Nazi Party' for his fawning poems about Hitler, Baldur von Schirach corrupted a generation of German youth with his twisted Aryan ideals and went on to supervise the 'deportation of minors' during the Nazi's reign of terror.

Like no other, Schirach abused the gullible and trusting nature of young people to support Germany's dictatorship.

As leader of the Nazi Youth League, Baldur von Schirach recruited Hitlerjugend, young people who were systematically transformed into obedient and easily manipulated child soldiers for the Third Reich.

He acted as the High Priest of the National Socialist faith and was worshiped as a national hero.