
2024-07-25 6

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In this video, we will explore how important the word of God given by Jesus Christ is to guide, inspire and uplift us on this journey in life. His Word is the light that illuminates our path, providing wisdom and strength to face every challenge that comes.

**What will you find in this video
- The deep meaning of God's words in the Bible
- How God's word can inspire daily life
- Personal testimony of how God's word changes lives

**Why is this important?**
We often feel lost and need strong guidance. God's Word not only provides direction, but also gives hope and new enthusiasm every day.

**Favorite verses that we will discuss:**
- Psalm 119:105 - "Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path."
- Matthew 4:4 - "Man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God."
- John 6:63 - "The words that I speak to you are spirit and life."

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**Join our community:**
We invite you to share your opinions and experiences in the comments column. How has God's word guided and inspired you? We want to hear your story!

**Thanks for watching!**
Hopefully this video blesses and strengthens you in your faith. Keep walking in the light of His word and let Jesus guide your every step.

Jesus, Christ, God, Lord, faith, cross, love, holy, Mary, Bible, grace, sin, lamb, pray, John, Paul, Luke, Mark, hope, Messiah, peace, king,
Messiah, Savior, Christ, Lord, God, Jesus, Bible, gospel, prayer, grace, Holy, Mary, sin, lamb, cross, faith, John, Paul, Luke, Mark, hope, peace, king, love, Nazareth, heaven, disciple, parable, miracle, crucifix, worship,
Jesus Christ, Son of God, Lamb of God, King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Holy Spirit, Holy Trinity, Resurrection, Crucifixion, Gospel of Mark, Gospel of Luke, Gospel of John, Gospel of Matthew, New Testament, Old Testament, Virgin Mary, Last Supper, Good Shepherd, Great Commission, Sermon on the Mount, Kingdom of Heaven, Second Coming, Disciples of Christ, Parables of Jesus, Miracles of Jesus, Jesus of Nazareth

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