Sigyn Meder, chairman of the support committee for Julian Assange in Stockholm, reads out the committee's greetings to Julian

2024-07-22 0

STOCKHOLM 2024-07-21 /

We are gathered today at this symbolic place, in the garden of the Solidarity House.

We have all been members of the Support Committee for Julian Assange in Stockholm.
Together with thousands of people around the world, we have for years demonstrated and formed opinion to put an end to the cruel and unjust treatment of Julian Assange, and to get him free.
Julian Assange is a fighter for the truth and freedom of expression. Now he is finally free, and has returned home to his brave wife, his children and his entire family. Our greetings go to them all. Their joy is also our joy.
Today we proudly display for the last time all the banners we used in the campaign for Julian’s release. With them, we have walked through the streets of Stockholm and carried out demonstrations in public places. We have stood outside the US, UK and Australian embassies delivering letters to politicians and authorities in these countries.
Many of the members of our Support Committee were born in Sweden, but others have come here as refugees. During his visit to Stockholm, Julian’s father John Shipton said he was struck by the fact that in the solidarity movement with Julian Assange, wherever he traveled, he always met Latin Americans who had fled dictatorships imposed on their homelands with US backing.
Although Julian is now free, we know that freedom of expression has been greatly damaged. Legislators and the mainstream media have limited free speech.
The question remains, after Julian’s many years of suffering: Will there be journalists who dare to follow the path shown by Wikileaks? Or, on the contrary, will fewer and fewer dare to reveal truths that threaten the mighty in society?

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