Portable Air Conditioner for Server Room Cooling - CoolCu...

2009-04-23 2

http://www.servercool.com How the CoolCube 10 works for server room cooling. CoolCube 10 is the industry's only modular air conditioning unit—the same 10,000 Btu/h base module can be easily adapted to fit into virtually any application. By adding the respective accessory kit, the small but powerful CoolCube 10 spot cooler can be deployed in a variety of space-saving alternatives, including rack-mounting in a standard 19-inch rack, mounting on a shelf, or hanging from a drop ceiling. Even more, multiple CoolCube modules can be stacked for capacity or redundancy, delivering up to 40,000 Btu/h with standard 120V power. The compact design of the CoolCube also provides easy mobility as a portable unit. HOW COOLCUBE WORKS CoolCube 10 The CoolCube 10 is designed to cool a small physical area with a heat load of 10,000 Btu/hr (3kW) or less. A typical server closet (i.e. wiring closet) is a perfect environment for the CoolCube 10, as the closet is usually less than 100 square feet and will generally have a heat load ranging from 3,500 to 9,000 Btu/hr (1.03 - 2.64 kW). Additionally, the CoolCube 10 is ideal to "spot cool" hot spots within a larger physical area by delivering the cold air directly to the small area producing the heat, such as a large data center being cooled by a Computer Room Air Conditioner (CRAC). This environment often has racks populated with high density servers that are not being cooled properly. Installing a CoolCube 10 into the specific racks will solve the heat problem. Modular Air Conditioning Principles Cold Air Delivery (Spot Cooling) CoolCube 10 efficiently cools any environment by delivering cold air directly to the hot spot (i.e. electronic equipment) instead of cooling the entire environment. This results in substantial savings by enabling users to purchase a properly sized air conditioner, as well as reduces energy consumption. Condensate Removal The CoolCube 10 will not only reduce the temperature, but will also remove moisture from the air by collecting condensate in its stand...