Matthew 23 - Audio Bible (NASB) with Scrolling Text

2024-07-21 5

Matthew Chapter 23 is primarily a series of warnings and condemnations Jesus directs at the scribes and Pharisees. Jesus criticizes them for their hypocrisy, emphasizing that they teach the law but do not practice it themselves. He condemns their love of titles, honors, and public recognition while neglecting justice, mercy, and faithfulness. Jesus pronounces a series of "woes" against them, calling them blind guides who focus on minor details but ignore the weightier matters of the law. He compares them to whitewashed tombs, beautiful on the outside but full of dead bones inside, symbolizing their outward appearance of righteousness while being inwardly corrupt. Jesus laments over Jerusalem, expressing sorrow for its rejection of the prophets and His own coming. He declares that their house will be left desolate and predicts that they will not see Him again until they acknowledge Him as blessed. This chapter underscores Jesus' denunciation of religious hypocrisy and His call for genuine righteousness and humility.