History vs. Cleopatra _Cleopatra_ The Story of the Queen of Egypt (Complete) #SeeUinHistory #History (1)

2024-07-18 4

Cleopatra is one of best-known women in history, famed for her supposed beauty and intellect, and her love affairs with Julius Caesar and Mark Antony. But, argues Mary Hamer, most of what we think we know about Cleopatra is merely the echo of Roman propaganda. But there are some interesting and Unknown Facts about Cleopatra which Most people Don't know.

So in this Video, I'm going to tell you about Some interesting Facts About Cleopatra.Cleopatra - the last queen of Egypt, one of the most formidable enemies Rome ever faced; the woman whose two husbands, who are also her brothers, died at a young age - one fighting against her and the other killed at her command, to become the mistress who chooses her own partners for not only pleasure but for increasing her own authority and political power.

Cleopatra was not just some incredibly beautiful woman who sought to have affairs with Roman rulers, as we are used to being portrayed in Hollywood. On the contrary! In reality, she was a ruthless military and political leader whom Rome was absolutely terrified of.

In fact, not a drop of Egyptian blood flowed in Cleopatra's veins.

She was fluent in several languages, had an exceptional knowledge of mathematics, philosophy, and astronomy, and could more than adequately engage in any political or economic discussion.

In this video, we will introduce you to the real image of Cleopatra - a ruthless ruler ready to do anything to keep her power, at any cost, regardless of what she will have to do. Thus, she remained one of the most important political figures for 22 years until her dramatic death left an unforgettable mark on human history. This story will be a far cry from the romantic Hollywood adaptations of the beautiful and sweet ruler of ancient Egypt.

Who is Cleopatra, What is the meaning of Cleopatra, Who was Cleopatra, Who was queen Cleopatra, Facts about Cleopatra, Interesting Facts about Cleopatra, Unknown Facts about Cleopatra, Facts in hindi, Hindi Facts, FactStar Shorts, Random Facts, Unique Facts, FactStar, FactStar hindi,