The $1.5 Billion AI Company Building A 'General Purpose' Brain For Robots

2024-07-17 45

Robots, whether they are bipedal humanoids handling basic factory tasks or four-legged military “robot dogs” intended for urban combat, need brains. Historically, these have been highly specialized and purpose-built. But a Pittsburgh-based robotics startup claims it’s created a single off-the-shelf intelligence that can be plugged into different robots to enable basic functions.

Founded in May 2023 by Abhinav Gupta and Deepak Pathak, two former Carnegie Mellon University professors, Skild AI has created a foundational model for what it describes as a “general purpose brain” that can be slotted into a variety of robots, enabling them to do things like climbing steep slopes, walking over objects obstructing its path and identifying and picking up items.

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