Army Men Sarge's Heroes 2 - Mission 1: Dinner (Cena) - N64

2024-07-11 4

Sarge's Heroes 2 picks up after the first game. The leader of the Tan Nation, General Plastro, has been missing ever since he fought Sergeant Hawk. Sarge has been busy blowing up the portals connecting the reduced-scale Plastic World to the "other world" on the Real World scale, the world of humans.

ARMY MEN SARGE'S HEROES 2 for Nintendo 64!

The gameplay is just about the same as before, except with a few minor improvements.

The graphics really haven't made any improvements since the first Sarge's Heroes game. The characters still look pretty good, as do the backgrounds. For it's time period, just about everything looks as real as it can get, which makes the game pretty nice to look at.

The levels are shorter and easier. This means that the game is shorter than the first one. This game will probably keep you occupied for a shorter amount of time than it's prequel, so if you're looking for a long and hard game, you're more likely to play it on Hard difficult.

Not a major improvement in sounds from the last game, but it's an improvement. There is more background tracks, during the levels and during the cinematics between the levels. The grunting noises continue, as do they painful moans after a soldier gets shot. Vicky can now say things like "Don't touch!" or "Take that!", which can somewhat liven up the levels. There are also some new sound effects, but they're really nothing special.

The controls are less clunky and you can interact with Bravo Company members. You can still crawl on the ground, or roll over to dodge fire. They have also added Boot Camp to warm you up to the game, and it does a pretty good job at it. The variety of guns makes navigating the levels pretty fun, and wondering how you can use them to take down giant toys makes having them even more fun. Going through the levels is usually pretty straight forward, although sometimes they make annoying situations where you have to make Sarge jump a long distance and can only be done if you make him jump at just the right moment, otherwise making him plummet to the ground and possibly at a loss for health. In general, the gameplay beats the prequel in just a few areas, but enough to make it a more fun game.

The multiplayer is no different than it was in the first game, except with different levels and maybe some new weapons. You can also choose from being one of four colors (green, tan, gray and blue) and you can choose a character to be that color, so you could make Sarge blue if you wanted to. The multiplayer is nothing to brag about, but it does okay.

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