Bollywood’s most adored couple, Vicky Kaushal and Katrina Kaif are often spotting showering love for each other through social media. The lovebirds constantly set couple goals and make their fans go gaga over their loving bond. Actress Katrina Kaif is currently enjoying a holiday in Munich, Germany, and shared a stunning picture of herself that prompted her actor-husband to shower love in the comment section. Katrina took to Instagram to post a picture where she is standing on a wooden balcony, dressed in a striped shirt. The sunlight casts a golden glow on her, highlighting her serene expression. The backdrop showcases a beautiful view of the sky and lush greenery. For the caption, she wrote: “Good morning”. Her husband Vicky Kaushal's comment stole the spotlight as he dropped a string of multi-coloured hearts in response.
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