Elon Musk Appears Not To Take Tesla's Child Labor Concerns Seriously

2024-07-09 628

Last year, just after Tesla’s board and investors voted down a proposal to hire an outside monitor to ensure the electric vehicle maker’s cobalt suppliers weren’t using child or forced labor at mines in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Elon Musk pledged to do exactly that – and more.

“I heard a question raised about cobalt mining and you know what? We will do a third-party audit,” the world’s wealthiest person told a raucous, adoring crowd of shareholders at Tesla’s annual meeting in May 2023. “In fact, we’ll put a webcam on the mine. If anybody sees any children, please let us know,” he said, giggling.

Read the full story on Forbes: https://www.forbes.com/sites/alanohnsman/2024/07/02/elon-musks-laughable-new-solution-to-teslas-child-labor-worries/

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