The 37 Scientific Evidence of Digital Evidence Tampering on CCTV Footage at Olivier Café: The Jessica Kumala Wongso Case (2016), Carried Out by Muhammad Nuh Al-Azhar and Christopher Hariman Rianto, Who were Under the Leadership of the General Crime Director of the Jakarta Metropolitan Police, Krishna Murti, and the Chief of the Jakarta Metropolitan Police, Tito Karnavian.
Muhammad Nuh Al-Azhar and Christopher Hariman Rianto divided CCTV video 9 into two segments:
Segment 1: 15:35 – 16:59 Local Time
The frame dimension was reduced to 960 x 576 px, and the frame rate was reduced to 10 frames per second. In this segment, it was necessary to observe the color of coffee served by Agus Triono at table 54 at 16:24:18 Local Time, yet Muhammad Nuh Al-Azhar blurred it instead.
Segment 2: 16:59 – 18:25 Local Time
Frame dimension remained full high definition (FHD, 1920x1080 px), and the frame rate remained at 25 frames per second. However, it was here where the color of the remaining coffee that Mirna Salihin drank, taken by Sari at 17:21:20 Local Time, was observed.
Six fraudulent prosecutors Ardito Muwardi, Shandy Handika, Sugih Carvallo, Hari Wibowo, Wahyu Oktaviandi, and Maylany Wuwung conspired with fellow fraudulent CCTV video manipulator Muhammad Nuh Al-Azhar.