Are extra Electric Vehicle charging points adding to Saundersfoot's parking problems?

2024-07-09 65

Plans to introduce extra Electric Vehicle charging points at Saundersfoot harbour, has left many locals asking does the village need more - when parking spaces in general are at a premium, especially during peak holiday season.
A planning application (Ref: NP/24/0228/FUL) has been put forward by Metis Charge Limited to the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority for the installation of 2x Electric Vehicle Charging Points, including 4x marked parking bays reserved for EV charging only and associated equipment at Saundersfoot Harbour.
The proposals will result in the 4x existing parking bays being pre-designated for the purpose of EV recharging only at the Ocean Square Car Park.
Members of Saundersfoot Community Council have offered no objections to the plans, but many locals have taken to social media to ask whether it really is the best thing for the seaside village at the moment, with many motorists already experiencing parking problems and struggling to find spaces at this time of the year, especially with many EV charging points at the National Park run car park alongside the Regency Hall seemingly unused quite a lot of the time.
Responding to the application, one person posted on Facebook: “Seeing people driving round and round the Regency parking up waiting for spaces when hardly any the EV spaces are being used - hope the same thing doesn't happen at the Harbour now. I agree some charging stations are needed but not the amount that they added to the Regency car park.”
Another concurred: “The ones at the Regency Hall are barely used. All this will do is reduce parking spaces even further.”
One electric vehicle user backed the proposals, and hoped it would encourage more EV users into the locality, stating: “Having had an EV for 5 years, I am very aware that tourists coming across from England to Wales, often brought their second vehicle, an ice car, simply because we didn't have enough accessible public chargers.
“So 'barely used' might hopefully change, as people become aware of where EV chargers have been installed.”
County councillor for the village’s south ward, Cllr Chris Williams recently highlighted why he was glad that proposals for a new housing and commercial development in the heart of the village, comprising of town houses and apartments, and also a commercial opportunity, along with just seven car parking spaces, had been withdrawn, stating that it would have only added to parking issues already experienced.
“I feel that the current proposed development with limited parking in the village simply would be foolish at this time until we as a community have resolved the parking issues,” commented Cllr Chris Williams, who said that some of the main feedback he receives as a county councillor surrounds car parking.

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