That's a fascinating and chilling topic! Here are a few more unusual final requests that you might find intriguing:
1. **Victor Feguer** - In 1963, his last meal request was a single olive with the pit still in it. He hoped a tree would sprout from his grave as a symbol of peace.
2. **Philip Workman** - In 2007, he requested that a large vegetarian pizza be given to a homeless person instead of having a final meal for himself. The prison denied his request, but many people across the country fulfilled it.
3. **Ricky Ray Rector** - In 1992, he left his pecan pie untouched, telling guards he was "saving it for later."
4. **Aileen Wuornos** - In 2002, she declined a special meal and instead asked for a cup of coffee.
5. **Timothy McVeigh** - The Oklahoma City bomber requested two pints of mint chocolate chip ice cream as his last meal in 2001.
These strange and often poignant last requests add a humanizing and sometimes bizarre element to the final moments of these notorious individuals. What other themes or angles would you like to explore in your content on notorious criminals?