Friendship stories the mouse and lion

2024-07-05 7

The mouse and the lion

Once upon a time there lived a tiger in a forest. One day he was feeding the lion when suddenly a mouse came there and started playing with the lion's hair. Suddenly the lion's eyes opened and he caught the mouse. When Chohader went, he began to beg the lion, "Leave me." I won't do that in the future. The lion took pity on him. He released the mouse. As the mouse went, he said to the lion, "I will surely repay this favor". The lion laughed. One day some hunters came to the forest and caught the tiger by setting a net. Suddenly the same rat also came there. He cut the web with his teeth. Thus the lion was freed. The lion thanked the mouse. The mouse said, "No problem, one day you helped me and today I did."

helped you Thanks for that.