While their competition offers consumers the ability to pay a single fee in exchange for a lifetime (100 year) membership, Resorts360 Vacation Club offers memberships for one year that can be renewed for an additional fee each year. Another option with the new company is to pay monthly. Both options with Resorts 360 are considerably more expensive than their competition. On the yearly program, 10 years with Resorts360 adds up to $2639 and the monthly option totals a staggering $5616. Superior lifetime memberships with their competitors would cost $2995 with one and $1998 with another. Even someone with a life expectancy of less that 5 years should consider the Resorts 360 competitors since both memberships are transferable and willable. OK, Resorts360 provides access to fewer resorts at higher prices and 10 years of the membership could cost almost three times what their competitors charge, so what about making money with the business? Maybe the higher consumer prices will equal more commissions for marketers of the Resorts 360 Vacation Club membership. The home based travel business expert says no. The new vacation club program pays maximum direct sales commissions of just $200 for the first year. Resorts360 claims that marketers could make additional commissions when their members renew for an additional year. Historically, the drop out rate for MLM programs like Resorts360 is over 95%. The overwhelming majority will not renew and $200 will be the total earnings. Major competitors pay $1000 commissions, and like Resorts 360, they offer passive income through perpetual leverage compensation plans. ? The home based travel business expert takes a closer look at the industry and how Resorts360 fits in with the competition. {Resorts360} has entered the marketplace and people are wondering if Resorts 360 Vacation Club is worth the money. Those in the home based business industry are scrutinizing their perpetual leverage compensation plan to see if they can make a...