A harrowing first-person view clip has surfaced online, showcasing the intensity of the firefight between security officers and armed assailants behind the series of deadly terrorist attacks in Russia’s Dagestan on Sunday. The violent confrontations took place in the regional capital of Makhachkala and the city of Derbent, leaving at least 20 people dead and over 40 injured.
#TerroristsVsRussianPolice #IntenseFighting #DramaticFootage #CarnageAndSlaughter #RussiaDagestanAttack #PoliceVsTerrorists #SecurityFootage #ViolentConfrontation #CounterterrorismOperation #RussianSecurityForces #DagestanViolence #MakhachkalaAttack #DerbentAssault #TerrorismInRussia #PoliceAction