Delhi Minister Atishi has been hospitalised. Atishi had to be admitted as her health deteriorated. Atishi was on an indefinite hunger strike against the Haryana government for not releasing 100 million gallons per day (MGD) of water thus creating water crisis in the national capital. The AAP leader was admitted to Lok Nayak Jai Prakash (LNJP) Hospital in Delhi in the early hours on June 25. Atishi’s indefinite hunger protest entered its fifth day on June 25. Atishi said that Haryana is not releasing Delhi’s share of water. As per the press release issued by AAP, Atishi’s blood pressure and sugar levels have dropped drastically. Atishi has said that her indefinite hunger strike will continue till the Haryana government provides the water rights of Delhiites & till the gates of Hathnikund Barrage are not opened, said AAP. Watch the video to know more.