The Long List of Joe Biden Lies Presented by Mark Levin

2024-06-23 124

LIST OF BIDEN LIES BELOW -- Joe Biden lies and lies and lies because he’s never had to pay any price - Joe Biden learned his lesson long ago: Lying works — and he’s too old to un-learn it now that it doesn’t. That’s why he fibs so often, on every imaginable subject. Biden’s problem is that the Big Lie technique worked just fine for most of his career in politics: His decades as one senator in 100, and from a safe blue seat; his time as veep under the biggest celebrity president since Jack Kennedy. And so, as poll after poll after poll shows, he’s incinerated the trust of the American voter. The buck never stopped on his desk until he took office at age 78, too late to change his spots.

It doesn’t help that most of the media play possum, while Biden and his team live in an echo chamber that completely muffles the rumbling discontent of the public he’s supposed to serve.

And the only way to make Joe finally pay a price for his lies is for the voters to do it in November.