Driver fuming at traffic warden dishing out ticket - while parked on double yellows

2024-06-21 69

An outraged resident videoed a traffic warden dishing out a ticket while parked on double yellow lines.

Lee Cekic, 35, spotted the warden's white van parked on double yellow lines and under a 'no parking at any time' notice on Olympia Way in Whitstable, Kent.

Lee - who lives on the street - claims he's seen traffic wardens parked on double yellows before and thinks it's unfair.

The grounds worker says he's been ticketed for parking his van in his drive with his car and thinks traffic wardens should play by the rules too.

Lee recorded himself asking the traffic warden why he was parked there and was infuriated when the official said it was "an emergency".

The footage then shows the warden stop responding to Lee's questions, get into his vehicle and drive off, , at around 3pm on June 18.

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