OTD In Space – June 19: Vostok 5 & Vostok 6 Return To Earth

2024-06-19 32

On June 19, 1963, two Soviet spacecraft named Vostok 5 and Vostok 6 returned to Earth, ending a historic joint mission.

Vostok 6 was carrying cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova, who became the first woman in space during this mission. In the other capsule was cosmonaut Valery Bykovsky, who set the record for the longest solo spaceflight during the 4 day and 23 hour mission. Tereshkova only spent 2 days and 22 hours in space. When the two spacecraft landed in North Kazakhstan, they each touched down 2 degrees north of their target. To this day, no one knows for sure what caused them to miss. Huge crowds had gathered at the planned landing sites to greet the cosmonauts, but instead, Bykovksy was greeted by a group of farmers, and Tereshkova nearly splashed down into a lake with her parachute.