Nabi Rahmat is the last of the prophets Hazrat Muhammad ﷺ fielded 9th Dhul-Ijah, 10th in Arafat Hijri, corresponding to 632 AD The last sermon was given on Hajj. come on The main points of this sermon Repeat, because our beloved The Prophet ﷺ said, My words to others deliver to Hazrat Muhammad ﷺ said. O people! Listen, I don't think so That in the next year among you will be present To my words Listen very carefully, and to them Reach out to those here could not reach
O people! Listen to me carefully, Worship only Allah, five Establish obligatory prayers "Read" from the ban, of Ramadan Keep fasting, keep paying Zakat. And if you can, do Hajj. Based on language, color, race Don't fall into prejudice based on, Black on white and white on white On black, Arabic on foreign And someone on Arabic to a foreigner does not take precedence, Every Muslim to every other Muslim is a brother All of you are the eyes of Allah I am equal. Superiority only piety is due to
Remember! God bless you one day Accountability for your actions To be present, be careful! Do not go astray after me. Remember! A prophet after me No coming, no new religion will be brought My words are good Understand in a way. I your Leaving two things behind Am, the Qur'an and my Sunnah, if You followed them both So you will never go astray. Listen! you who are present, Pass it on to the next people deliver And then the next people And it is possible That the latter take my word first Better understanding than others Can (and do) * Face to the sky again Raised and raised the index finger And said O Allah! So bear witness, I swam The message was delivered to your people.
May Allah make us among these people Add, which to this message Listen/read and practice Be a doer. And to him Be a forwarder. God All of us Muslims in this world I love the Prophet of Mercy Give and follow the Sunnah Make the doer, and in the hereafter of his Prophet in Paradise Let's gather together, Amen. Or Lord of the worlds