11-year-old CEO designs sensory-friendly t-shirts

2024-06-18 65

Credit: SWNS

An 11-year-old with autism founded his own business and invented a range of t-shirts for kids with sensory issues - selling more than 700 in their first release.

Like others with autism, Max Palfrey struggles to wear regular t-shirts because he finds the materials "itchy" and the labels and seams irritating.

He designed a super-soft top, without seams and labels, and with two hidden fidget poppers in the bottom hem for discreet self-regulation on-the-go.

After registering the UK patent for his invention, he went into production with the help of proud parents Matt and Lauren Palfrey, 38 and 37.

Max, founder and CEO of Comfa released his first range of three £20 t-shirts earlier this month.